Poster #114, Stress and Deformation Over Time (SDOT)
A Refined Comprehensive Earthquake Focal Mechanism Catalog for Southern California Derived with Deep Learning Algorithms
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2021 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #114, SCEC Contribution #11306 VIEW PDF
ent with the standard catalog (Yang et al., 2012) but with 42% more solutions and is more consistent with the moment tensor solutions derived using waveform-fitting methods. The new catalog makes it possible to identify a strong stress rotation in the Sierra Cucapah after the 2010 Mw7.2 El Mayor Cucapah earthquake, a significant positive correlation between the net production rate and the percentage of reverse faulting events in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field, as well as more near-vertical active faults near the southern San Andreas fault zone. Furthermore, the high-resolution catalog will contribute to future detailed studies of the crustal stress field, earthquake triggering mechanisms, and fault zone geometry and sense of slip in southern California.