Lifeng Wang

Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (Germany)
About Me Publications
Wang, L., & Barbot, S. (2020). Excitation of San Andreas tremors by thermal instabilities below the seismogenic zone. Science Advances, 6(36). doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abb2057. SCEC Contribution 10869
Barbot, S. D., & Wang, L. (2020, 08). Excitation of San Andreas tremors by thermal instabilities below the seismogenic zone. Poster Presentation at 2020 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 10285
Michel, S. G., Avouac, J., Jolivet, R., & Wang, L. (2016, 08). Seismic and Aseismic Moment Budget and Implication for the Seismic Potential of the Parkield Segment of the San Andreas Fault. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6694
Lee, E., Huang, H., Dennis, J., Chen, P., & Wang, L. (2013). An optimized parallel LSQR algorithm for seismic tomography. Computers and Geosciences, 61, 184-197. doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2013.08.013. SCEC Contribution 1857

Last updated Sep 19, 2024.