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Du, W., Sykes, L., Shaw, B. E., & Scholz, C. (2003). Triggered Aseismic Fault Slip from Nearby Earthquakes, Static or Dynamic Effect?. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(B2), 2131. doi: 10.1029/2002JB002008. SCEC Contribution 699
Du, W., & Sykes, L. (2001). Changes in Frequency of Moderate-Size Earthquakes and Coulomb Failure Stress before and after the Landers, California, Earthquake of 1992. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 91(4), 725-738. doi: 10.1785/0120000224. SCEC Contribution 585
Jaume, S., & Sykes, L. (1999). Evolving Towards a Critical Point: A Review of Accelerating Seismic Moment/Energy Release Prior to Large and Great Earthquakes. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 155(2-4), 279-305. doi: 10.1007/s000240050266. SCEC Contribution 468
Sykes, L., Shaw, B. E., & Scholz, C. (1999). Rethinking Earthquake Prediction. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 155(2-4), 207-232. doi: 10.1007/s000240050263. SCEC Contribution 467
Deng, J., & Sykes, L. (1997). Stress Evolution in Southern Californiaand Triggering of Moderate, Small, and Micro Earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(B11), 24411-24435. doi: 10.1029/97JB02127. SCEC Contribution 364
Deng, J., & Sykes, L. (1997). Evolution of the Stress Field in Southern California and Triggering of Moderate-Size Earthquakes: A 200-Year Prospective. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(B5), 9859-9886. doi: 10.1029/96JB03897. SCEC Contribution 339
Sykes, L. (1996). Intermediate- and Long-Term Earthquake Prediction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 93(9), 3732-3739. SCEC Contribution 319
Deng, J., & Sykes, L. (1996). Triggering of 1812 Santa Barbara Earthquake by a Great San Andreas Shock: Implications for Future Seismic Hazards in Southern California. Geophysical Research Letters, 23(10), 1155-1158. doi: 10.1029/96GL00738. SCEC Contribution 288
Jaume, S., & Sykes, L. (1992). Changes in State of Stress on the Southern San Andreas Fault Resulting from the California Earthquake Sequence of April to June 1992. Science, 258(5086), 1325-1328. doi: 10.1126/science.258.5086.1325. SCEC Contribution 9
Pacheco, J., Scholz, C., & Sykes, L. (1992). Changes in Frequency-Size Relationships from Small to Large Earthquakes. Nature, 355(6355), 71-73. doi: 10.1038/355071a0. SCEC Contribution 13
Last updated Dec 10, 2015.