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Stephanie Soto
Universidad de Puerto Rico - Mayagüez
UseIT Intern
Expertise: BS in Geology with a minor in Writing and Communication in English.
About Me
I am a senior at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus pursuing a major in geology and a minor in writing and communication in English. In my island of Puerto Rico, where I was born and raised, hazards such as floods, landslides, earthquakes, and hurricanes are prone to occur. I currently work at NOAA National Weather Service - Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program assisting the preparation of the annual CARIBE WAVE Exercise. Previously, I have conducted research in landslides caused by the Hurricanes Irma and Maria in Puerto Rico, and currently working on a statistical analysis of duration magnitudes for Puerto Rico seismic stations with the purpose of identifying if the stations need corrections. After completing my undergraduate studies, my goal is to pursue graduate school with the goal of working in emergency management to improve communication and preparations before natural disasters occur.
I applied to the SCEC UseIT internship because I was most interested in understanding different field applications to seismology. Through this opportunity I was able to gain the necessary tools to take a step closer to accomplish my goals. Overall, I'd like to work on risk management and hazards, and this internship has allowed me to visualize real and simulated earthquakes risks in California. Finally, besides being a full-time student and researcher, I enjoy writing and exploring the beauties of earth the most because I can integrate them in a professional manner and still have fun.