Nenad Bijelic
University of Innsbruck
Expertise: Structural Engineering, Earthquake Engineering
About Me
No bio available.
Bijelic, N., Lin, T., & Deierlein, G. (2018). Duration and sustained amplitude adjusted response spectra – RSx and Da spectra. Earthquake Spectra, (in preparation). SCEC Contribution 8042
Bijelic, N., Lin, T., & Deierlein, G. (2018). Influence of high-frequency components of hybrid-broadband and deterministic CyberShake ground motion simulations on nonlinear response analyses of buildings. Seismological Research Letters, (under review). SCEC Contribution 8038
Lin, T., Bijelic, N., & Deierlein, G. (2017, 08). Characterization of basin effects for seismic performance assessments of tall buildings using CyberShake simulations. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7734
Deierlein, G., Bijelic, N., & Lin, T. (2016, 09). Utilization of earthquake ground motions for nonlinear analysis and design of tall buildings. Oral Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6568
Bijelic, N., Lin, T., & Deierlein, G. (2020). Efficient intensity measures and machine learning algorithms for collapse prediction of tall buildings informed by SCEC CyberShake ground motion simulations. Earthquake Spectra, 36(3), 1188-1207. doi: 10.1177/8755293020919414. SCEC Contribution 8040
Bijelic, N., Lin, T., & Deierlein, G. (2020, 09). Sustained amplitude (RSx) and significant duration (Da) spectra for seismic risk assessment in sedimentary basins. Oral Presentation at 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE). SCEC Contribution 10022
Bijelic, N., Lin, T., & Deierlein, G. (2019). Quantification of the Influence of Deep Basin Effects on Structural Collapse Using SCEC CyberShake Earthquake Ground Motion Simulations. Earthquake Spectra, 35(4), 1845–1864. SCEC Contribution 8041
Bijelic, N., Lin, T., & Deierlein, G. G. (2019). Evaluation of Building Collapse Risk and Drift Demands by Nonlinear Structural Analyses Using Conventional Hazard Analysis versus Direct Simulation with CyberShake Seismograms. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 109(5), 1812-1828. doi: 10.1785/0120180324. SCEC Contribution 8039
Bijelic, N., Lin, T., & Deierlein, G. (2018). Validation of the SCEC Broadband Platform simulations for tall building risk assessments considering spectral shape and duration of the ground motion. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 47(11), 2233-2251. SCEC Contribution 7999
Bijelic, N., Lin, T., & Deierlein, G. (2018, 6). Contrasting CyberShake simulations and conventional hazard analysis to assess collapse risk of tall buildings in the Los Angeles basin. Oral Presentation at 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. SCEC Contribution 7998
Bijelic, N., Lin, T., & Deierlein, G. (2018, 6). Utilization of physics-based ground motion simulations for tall building risk assessment. Oral Presentation at 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering. SCEC Contribution 7997
Bijelic, N., Lin, T., & Deierlein, G. (2017, 01). Seismic response of a tall building to simulated long-period ground motions. Oral Presentation at 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. SCEC Contribution 7151
Bijelic, N., Lin, T., & Deierlein, G. (2014, 05). Seismic response of a tall building to recorded and simulated ground motions. Oral Presentation at 10th National Conference of Earthquake Engineering. doi: 10.4231/D3VH5CJ72. SCEC Contribution 1930
Last updated Nov 25, 2020.