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Margarita Segou

British Geological Survey
Earthquake Seismologist

Expertise: seismic hazard, physics-based forecast models, earthquake probabilities
About Me Publications
My research aims in improving our understanding behind the physical processes of earthquake nucleation and aftershock triggering in high seismic hazard regions and subduction zones around the world. My work focuses on the development of operational earthquake forecast models that integrate physical and laboratory laws on the existing empirical models. I conducted post-doctoral research for more than 5 years in renowned institutes, such as the Earthquake Science Center in USGS (Menlo Park, California) and the Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique (Nice, France). I collaborate with colleagues at the Institute of Statistical Mathematics in Tokyo and the Disaster Prevention Research Institute in Kyoto during my research visits on including earthquake nucleation physics into forecast model development. I am especially interested in informed decision-making protocols and explaining complex scientific concepts to general audiences. I am a senior scientist in BGS since 2018 and an Editor of Geophysical Journal International since early 2019.