Jeff Selck

Utah Valley University
About Me Publications
Toke, N. A., Salisbury, J. B., Bunds, M., Arrowsmith, R. R., Matheson, E. C., Kellum, L. T., Abueg, N. M., Sato, T., Horns, D., Anderson, J., Carlson, J. K., & Selck, J. (2015). The Formation, Preservation, and Documentation of Holocene Deformation from Aseismic Surface Creep using Paleoseismology and Structure from Motion at the Dry Lake Valley Site on the Central San Andreas Fault. Geosphere, (in preparation). SCEC Contribution 2101
Toke, N. A., Abueg, N. M., Anderson, J., Kellum, L. T., Selck, J., Sato, T., Salisbury, J. B., & Arrowsmith, J. R. (2012). Recognition of Paleoseismicity along Creeping Faults: Examples from the Dry Lake Valley Site on the central San Andreas. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union,. SCEC Contribution 1842

Last updated Jul 05, 2017.