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Hunter Francoeur

University of Southern California
Business Continuity Manager

Expertise: computers
About Me Publications
Muench, J., Maechling, P. J., Francoeur, H., Okaya, D. A., & Cui, Y. (2006). SCEC Earthworks Science Gateway: Widening SCEC Community Access to the TeraGrid. Poster Presentation at 2006 TeraGrid Conference. SCEC Contribution 989
Deelman, E., Callaghan, S., Francoeur, H., Graves, R. W., Gupta, N., Gupta, V., Jordan, T. H., Kesselman, C., Maechling, P. J., Mehringer, J., Mehta, G., Okaya, D. A., Vahi, K., & Zhao, L. (2006, 12). Managing Large-Scale Workflow Execution from Resource Provisioning to Provenance Tracking: The CyberShake Example. Presentation at e-Science'06. doi: 10.1109/E-SCIENCE.2006.261098. SCEC Contribution 1060

Last updated Jun 22, 2016.