Poster #002, Communication, Education, and Outreach (CEO)
Using GeoGateway to access NASA Earth Science data for teaching
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Poster Presentation
2021 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #002, SCEC Contribution #11545 VIEW PDF
NASA’s airborne- and satellite-based instruments provide Earth science data for understanding natural disasters, tectonic processes and environmental change. NASA data are free and openly accessible for students and instructors but can be challenging to use. GeoGateway ( is a powerful yet usable analytic center framework that enables users to integrate disparate data sources for intuitive and rapid science analysis. It is suitable for both research and teaching at undergraduate through graduate levels. GeoGateway provides tools for educational and scientific discovery, field use, and disaster response using UAVSAR and GNSS integrated with earthquake fault, seismicity, and model data. We developed a User Guide and introductory Exercises to help students and new users become familiar with GeoGateway tools and data sets. We invite the SCEC Community of scientists and educators to submit suggestions for new Exercises to be developed and posted on GeoGateway. Our interactive poster will link to a survey for submitting ideas or requests for Exercises to be developed and posted on GeoGateway.