Poster #117, Stress and Deformation Over Time (SDOT)
Understanding Crustal Stress Heterogeneity in the Los Angeles Region using Focal Mechanism Inversions and Shear Wave Splitting Fast Velocities
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Poster Presentation
2021 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #117, SCEC Contribution #11425 VIEW PDF
individual earthquake-to-station raypath shear wave splitting fast direction measurements from across southern California. We perform new focal mechanism stress inversions over an assortment of crustal volumes and compare the indicated SHmax direction with the shear wave fast directions indicated by raypaths through the same crustal volumes. In particular, we investigate the degree to which these two indicators of crustal stress orientation are consistent, and over what spatial scales they are consistent, both vertically and laterally. These comparisons can help us both illuminate the present crustal stress heterogeneity and potentially understand the linkages between the development of crustal fabric and the modern stress state. Preliminary results suggest clear differences between stress orientations indicated by shear wave splitting and focal mechanisms, with subregions of disagreement largely correlating with major structural and fault features of the area. These discrepancies may be reconciled by more detailed analysis of particular crustal volumes, but further research is needed. If the discrepancies persist, this may record changes in southern California crustal stress during basin development, or could indicate low stress magnitudes such that crustal fabric is sensitive to factors other than stress orientation. These results have implications for the broader understanding of the interplay between the evolution of crustal stress and sediment basin structures.