Poster #098, Tectonic Geodesy
Strain rate mapping along the San Andreas fault system with integrated InSAR and GNSS time-series
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Poster Presentation
2021 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #098, SCEC Contribution #11094 VIEW PDF
o three dimensions by combining the deformation azimuth from a GNSS-derived interseismic fault model. We then construct strain rate maps using a smoothing interpolator with constraints from elasticity (gpsgridder). The resulting deformation field reveals a wide array of crustal deformation processes including: on- and off-fault, secular and transient tectonic deformation; creep rates on all the major faults; and vertical signals associated with hydrological processes. The strain rate maps show significant off-fault components that were not captured by GNSS-only models. These results are important in assessing the seismic hazard in the region, though challenges remain in splitting tectonic and hydrologic sources and whether hydrologic strain will increase seismic hazards.