Intellectual Merit
Two of the top priorities of SCEC5 are (1) to better understand how faults are loaded across temporal and spatial scales and (2) to establish the role of off-fault inelastic deformation on strain accumulation, dynamic rupture, and radiated seismic energy. Surface crustal velocities and deformation time series are one of the key boundary conditions needed for addressing these problems. Several recent studies have shown that most damaging earthquakes occur in areas where the crustal strain rate exceeds about 50-100 nanostrain/yr [e.g., Kreemer et al., 2014; Elliot et al., 2016.; Zeng et al., 2018]. Many of these areas are heavily populated and have had major destructive earthquakes in the past. Moreover, one of the largest uncertainties of California earthquake hazard models (i.e., UCERF-3 [Field et al., 2014; Field et al., 2015]) is the amount of plate boundary deformation that is accommodated by off-fault strain and whether this strain is accumulating as elastic or as plastic deformation. Therefore, accurate strain rate measurements are needed to improve earthquake forecasts. To achieve an ideal 50-nanostrain/yr accuracy at a 10-km resolution (i.e., a typical fault locking depth) will require a 2-D horizontal velocity model that has an accuracy of 0.5 mm/yr. Currently GNSS provides this accuracy but not at 10-km spatial resolution; InSAR provides this spatial resolution but cannot yet achieve yet this accuracy. Here we propose a path to achieving this objective using combined GNSS and InSAR. |
Broader Impacts
The quality and quantity of GNSS and InSAR data are increasing rapidly and many groups are developing detailed crustal deformation models as part of the SCEC Community Geodetic Model (CGM). The overall objectives of the SCEC CGM are to develop a high spatial resolution (~500 m) crustal motion model consisting of velocities and time series for Southern California that leverage the complementary nature of GNSS and InSAR observations. Reprocessing of long GNSS time series has provided high accuracy vertical measurements that reveal a wide range of new hydrologic and tectonic signals [Hammond et al., 2016]. In addition, two new C-band InSAR satellites (Sentinel-1A and B) are providing highly accurate systematic coverage of the entire SCEC region every 6-12 days from two look directions. We (JPL and SIO) have developed new geometric alignment software to enable routine and systematic processing of this completely new type of InSAR data (TOPS-mode, Sansosti, et al., 2006; Prats-Iraola et al., 2012). Results from our 2020 work are summarized next. |