SCEC Award Number 10175 View PDF
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title A Collaborative Project: Comparison, Verification, and Validation of Earthquake Simulators
Name Organization
Terry Tullis Brown University Michael Barall Invisible Software, Inc. Keith Richards-Dinger University of California, Riverside Steve Ward University of California, Santa Cruz John Rundle University of California, Davis Louise Kellogg University of California, Davis Ramon Arowsmith Arizona State University Nadia Lapusta California Institute of Technology Bruce Shaw Columbia University
Other Participants Jim Dieterich,
Fred Pollitz,
Donald Turcotte,
Russell Robinson
SCEC Priorities A6, A10, A6A9 SCEC Groups EFP, FARM, Seismology
Report Due Date 02/28/2011 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Intellectual Merit Simulators help us understand the mechanics of earthquakes. They help us learn whether earthquakes may be predictable and, if so, how that might be done. Determining how realistic and how useful simulator results might be, however is a difficult task. Toward this end, this project continues a process of comparison and evaluation of a variety of simulators to gain a better understanding of what features and products are common to them all, and which features depend upon details of input and assumptions.
Broader Impacts From its beginning, SCEC's vision was to form a self-consistent system-level model for stress accumulation by tectonic deformations and subsequent release by slip on faults. Earthquake simulators offer an avenue toward that vision. Testing and validating earthquake simulators as done in this project, provides assurance that that avenue is sound.
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