Xiaobin Ge

Fusion Petroleum Technologies, Inc.
About Me Publications
Jackson, D. D., Shen, Z., Potter, D., Ge, X., & Sung, L. (1997). Southern California Deformation. Science, 277(5332), 1621-1622. doi: 10.1126/science.277.5332.1621. SCEC Contribution 672
Shen, Z., Jackson, D. D., & Ge, X. (1996). Crustal Deformation Across and Beyond the Los Angeles Basin from Geodetic Measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(B12), 27,957-27,980. doi: 10.1029/96JB02544. SCEC Contribution 250
Shen, Z., Ge, X., Jackson, D. D., Potter, D., Cline, M. W., & Sung, L. (1996). Northridge Earthquake Rupture Models Based on the Global Positioning System Measurements. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 86(1B, supplement), S37-S48. SCEC Contribution 249
Shen, Z., Ge, X., Jackson, D. D., Potter, D., Cline, M. W., & Sung, L. (1996). Northridge earthquake rupture models based on the global positioning system measurements. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 86(1B), S37-S48. SCEC Contribution 202
Hudnut, K. W., Bock, Y., Cline, M. W., Fang, P., Feng, Y., Freymueller, J. T., Ge, X., Gross, K. W., Jackson, D. D., King, N. E., Larsen, S., Shen, Z., Lisowski, M., Zhang, J., & Svarc, J. (1994). Coseismic Displacements of the 1992 Landers Earthquake Sequence. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84(3), 625-645. SCEC Contribution 94

Last updated Jan 27, 2016.