sandow's picture

Sharon Sandow

Southern California Earthquake Center
University of Southern California
Director for Strategic Partnerships

Expertise: Community relations, government relations and strategic partnership outreach; non-profit management and programmatic development; community engagement and stewardship
About Me Publications
Sharon served as Director of Strategic Partnerships for SCEC's Communication, Education and Outreach program until Spring 2023. In this role, she engaged statewide leaders on behalf of Earthquake Country Alliance, a public-private grassroots partnership of people, organizations, and regional alliances that work together to improve preparedness, mitigation, and resiliency. Sharon served as liaison to the Earthquake Country Alliance Bay Area regional alliance and the Redwood Coast Tsunami Working Group, and also led the effort to grow and engage sector-based committees. In addition, Sharon worked with other local partners at USC and beyond to share earthquake preparedness and mitigation information.

Sharon is now the Public Information Director for the City of Los Angeles Housing Department. She previously served two Los Angeles City Councilmembers in senior staff roles including Chief of Staff and Media Director. She led the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce as CEO, and served as Regional Director of Government and Community Relations at the American Red Cross. She holds her J.D. from Loyola Law School and her Masters from University of Nevada, Reno.

SCEC Participation

SCEC Staff (2015 - 2023)