Phillip G. Resor

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Wesleyan University

Expertise: Fault zone morphology and earthquake mechanics; development of geologic structures as a record of off-fault damage
About Me Publications
Resor, P. G., Cooke, M. L., Marshall, S. T., & Madden, E. H. (2016, 08). Role of fault geometry on the spatial distribution of the slip budget. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6490
Resor, P. G., Cooke, M. L., Marshall, S. T., & Madden, E. H. (2018). Influence of Fault Geometry on the Spatial Distribution of Long‐Term Slip with Implications for Determining Representative Fault‐Slip Rates. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 108(4), 1837-1852. doi: 10.1785/0120170332. SCEC Contribution 7921
Resor, P. G., Cooke, M. L., Madden, E. H., & Marshall, S. T. (2015, 12). Modeling Releasing Steps of Strike-Slip Fault Systems: Implications for Conflicting Estimates of Long-Term Slip Rates . Poster Presentation at 2015 AGU Fall Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6209

Last updated Dec 03, 2018.