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Rose, E. J., Fuis, G. S., Stock, J. M., Hole, J. A., Kell-Hills, A. M., Kent, G. M., Driscoll, N. W., Crum, S., Goldman, M. R., Reusch, A. M., Han, L., Sickler, R. R., Catchings, R. D., Rymer, M. J., Criley, C. J., Scheirer, D. S., Skinner, S. M., Slayday-Criley, C. J., Murphy, J. M., Jensen, E. G., McClearn, R., Ferguson, A. J., Butcher, L. A., Gardner, M., Emmons, I., Loughran, C. L., Svitek, J. R., Bastien, P. C., Cotton, J. A., Croker, D. S., Harding, A. J., Babcock, J. M., Harder, S. H., & Rosa, C. M. (2013). Borehole- explosion and air-gun data acquired in the 2011 Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP), southern California—Description of the Survey. Reston, VA., : U.S. Geological Survey. doi: 10.3133/ofr20131172. SCEC Contribution 1797
Fuis, G. S., Kohler, M. D., Scherwath, M., Brink, U., van Avendonk, H., & Murphy, J. M. (2007). A comparison between the transpressional plate boundaries of South Island, New Zealand, and southern California, USA: The Alpine and San Andreas Fault Systems. Washington, : American Geophysical Union. doi: 10.1029/175GM16. SCEC Contribution 970
Lutter, W. J., Fuis, G. S., Ryberg, T., Okaya, D. A., Clayton, R. W., Davis, P. M., Prodehl, C., Murphy, J. M., Langenheim, V. E., Benthien, M. L., Godfrey, N., Christensen, N., Thygesen, K., Thurber, C. H., Simila, G., & Keller, R. G. (2004). Upper crustal structure from the Santa Monica Mountains to the Sierra Nevada, southern California: tomographic results from the Los Angeles Regional Seismic Experiment, Phase II (LARSE II). Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 94(2), 619-632. doi: 10.1785/0120030058. SCEC Contribution 677
Fuis, G. S., Clayton, R. W., Davis, P. M., Ryberg, T., Lutter, W. J., Okaya, D. A., Hauksson, E., Murphy, J. M., Benthien, M. L., Baher, S., Kohler, M. D., Thygesen, K., Simila, G., & Keller, R. G. (2003). Fault Systems of the 1971 San Fernando and 1994 Northridge Earthquakes, Southern California: Relocated Aftershocks and Seismic Images from LARSE II. Geology, 31(2), 171-174. doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(2003)031<0171:FSOTSF>2.0.CO;2. SCEC Contribution 665
Fuis, G. S., Ryberg, T., Godfrey, N., Okaya, D. A., & Murphy, J. M. (2001). Crustal Structure and Tectonics from the Los Angeles Basin to the Mojave Desert, Southern California. Geology, 29(1), 15-18. doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<0015:CSATFT>2.0.CO;2. SCEC Contribution 538
Fuis, G. S., Murphy, J. M., Lutter, W. J., Moore, T. E., Bird, K. J., & Christensen, N. (1997). Deep seismic structure and tectonics of northern Alaska: Crustal-scale duplexing with deformation extending into the upper mantle. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(B9), 20873-20896. doi: 10.1029/96JB03959. SCEC Contribution 376
Okaya, D. A., Bhowmik, J., Fuis, G. S., Murphy, J. M., Robertson Haver, M., Chakraborty, A., Benthien, M. L., Hafner, K., & Norris, J. J. (1996). Report for Local Earthquake Data Acquired at Onshore Stations during the 1994 Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment (LARSE), California. , USA: U.S. Geological Survey. SCEC Contribution 346
Okaya, D. A., Bhowmik, J., Fuis, G. S., Murphy, J. M., Robertson Haver, M., Chakraborty, A., Benthien, M. L., Hafner, K., & Norris, J. J. (1996). Report for Air-Gun Data Acquired at Onshore Stations during the 1994 Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment (LARSE), California. , USA: U.S. Geological Survey. SCEC Contribution 345
Murphy, J. M., Fuis, G. S., Ryberg, T., Okaya, D. A., Criley, E., Benthien, M. L., Alvarez, M., Kohler, W. M., Glassmoyer, G., Robertson Haver, M., & Bhowmik, J. (1996). Report for the explosion data acquired in the Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment (LARSE), Los Angeles, California. , USA: U.S. Geological Survey. SCEC Contribution 344
Last updated Jan 25, 2016.