Yingdi Luo
University of California, Los Angeles
Assistant Project Scientist
Expertise: Seismology
About Me
No bio available.
Meng, Q., Liu, Z., & Luo, Y. (2024, 09). Investigating potential earthquake triggering and delay effects along the southern San Andreas fault by Lake Cahuilla level change. Poster Presentation at 2024 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 13740
Erickson, B. A., Jiang, J., Barall, M., Lapusta, N., Dunham, E. M., Harris, R. A., Abrahams, L. S., Allison, K. L., Ampuero, J., Barbot, S. D., Cattania, C., Elbanna, A. E., Fialko, Y., Idini, B., Kozdon, J. E., Lambert, V. R., Liu, Y., Luo, Y., Ma, X., Best Mckay, M., Segall, P., Shi, P., van den Ende, M., & Wei, M. (2020). The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS). Seismological Research Letters, 91(2A), 874-890. doi: 10.1785/0220190248. SCEC Contribution 9066
Erickson, B. A., Jiang, J., Barall, M., Abdelmeguid, M., Abrahams, L. S., Allison, K. L., Ampuero, J., Barbot, S. D., Cattania, C., Duan, B., Dunham, E. M., Elbanna, A. E., Fialko, Y., Harris, R. A., Idini, B., Kozdon, J. E., Lambert, V. R., Lapusta, N., Li, M., Liu, D., Liu, Y., Luo, Y., Ma, X., Pranger, C., Segall, P., Shi, P., Thakur, P., van den Ende, M., van Dinther, Y., & Wei, M. (2020, 08). Community Code Comparisons for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): Exploring Full dynamics and 3D Effects. Poster Presentation at 2020 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 10593
Erickson, B. A., Jiang, J., Barall, M., Lapusta, N., Dunham, E. M., Harris, R. A., Abrahams, L. S., Allison, K. L., Ampuero, J., Barbot, S. D., Cattania, C., Elbanna, A. E., Fialko, Y., Idini, B., Kozdon, J. E., Lambert, V. R., Liu, Y., Luo, Y., Ma, X., Best Mckay, M., Segall, P., Shi, P., van den Ende, M., & Wei, M. (2019, 08). The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS). Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9618
Luo, Y., & Liu, Z. (2019, 08). Slip transient pattern changes: external perturbation or intrinsic interaction with earthquakes. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9437
Erickson, B. A., Jiang, J., Barall, M., Lapusta, N., Dunham, E. M., Harris, R. A., Abrahams, L., Allison, K. L., Ampuero, J., Barbot, S. D., Cattania, C., Elbanna, A. E., Fialko, Y., Idini Zabala, B., Kozdon, J. E., Lambert, V. R., Liu, Y., Luo, Y., Ma, X., Segall, P., Shi, P., & Wei, M. (2018, 07). The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): Initial Benchmarks and Future Directions. Poster Presentation at 2018 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 8214
Luo, Y., & Ampuero, J. (2018). Stability of faults with heterogeneous friction properties and effective normal stress. Tectonophysics, 733, 257-272. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2017.11.006. SCEC Contribution 7946
Luo, Y., & Ampuero, J. (2012, 12). Simulation of complex tremor migration patterns. Oral Presentation at AGU Fall Meeting 2012. SCEC Contribution 1783
Meng, L., Ampuero, J., Stock, J. M., Duputel, Z., Luo, Y., & Tsai, V. C. (2012). Earthquake in a maze: compressional rupture branching during the 2012 Mw 8.6 Sumatra earthquake. Science,. doi: 10.1126/science.1224030. SCEC Contribution 1656
Meng, L., Ampuero, J., Luo, Y., Wu, W., & Ni, S. (2012). Mitigating artifacts in back-projection source imaging with implications on frequency-dependent properties of the Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Earth, Planets and Space, 64(12), 1101-1109. doi: 10.5047/eps.2012.05.010. SCEC Contribution 1651
Last updated Feb 12, 2025.