Akira Hasegawa
Tohoku University (Japan)
About Me
Yoshida, K., Uchida, N., Hiarahara, S., Nakayama, T., Matsuzawa, T., Okada, T., Matsumoto, Y., & Hasegawa, A. (2020). 2019 M6.7 Yamagata-Oki earthquake in the stress shadow of 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake: Was it caused by the reduction in fault strength?. Tectonophysics, 793. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228609. SCEC Contribution 11734
Ariyoshi, K., Ampuero, J., Bürgmann, R., Matsuzawa, T., Hasegawa, A., Hino, R., & Hori, T. (2019, 07). Quantitative relationship between aseismic slip propagation speed and frictional properties. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9258
Yoshida, K., & Hasegawa, A. (2018). Hypocenter Migration and Seismicity Pattern Change in the Yamagata-Fukushima Border, NE Japan, Caused by Fluid Movement and Pore Pressure Variation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(6), 5000-5017. doi: 10.1029/2018JB015468. SCEC Contribution 11730
Ariyoshi, K., Matsuzawa, T., Ampuero, J., Nakata, R., Hori, T., Kaneda, Y., Hino, R., & Hasegawa, A. (2012). Migration process of very low-frequency events based on a chain-reaction model and its application to the detection of preseismic slip for megathrust earthquakes. Earth, Planets and Space, 64(8), 693-702. doi: 10.5047/eps.2010.09.003. SCEC Contribution 1567
Yoshida, K., Hasegawa, A., Okada, T., Iinuma, T., Ito, Y., & Asano, Y. (2012). Stress before and after the 2011 great Tohoku-oki earthquake and induced earthquakes in inland areas of eastern Japan. Geophysical Research Letters, 39(3), n/a-n/a. doi: 10.1029/2011GL049729. SCEC Contribution 11729
Ariyoshi, K., Hori, T., Ampuero, J., Kaneda, Y., Matsuzawa, T., Hino, R., & Hasegawa, A. (2009). Influence of interaction between small asperities on various types of slow earthquakes in a 3-D simulation for a subduction plate boundary. Gondwana Research, 16(3-4), 534-544. doi: 10.1016/j.gr.2009.03.006 . SCEC Contribution 1566
Zhao, D., Hasegawa, A., & Kanamori, H. (1994). Deep structure of Japan subduction zone as derived from local, regional, and teleseismic events. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(B11), 22313-22329. SCEC Contribution 674
Last updated Sep 19, 2024.