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Deng, J., Hudnut, K. W., Gurnis, M., & Hauksson, E. (1999). Stress Loading From Viscous Flow in the Lower Crust and Triggering of Aftershocks Following the 1994 Northridge, California, Earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters, 26(21), 3209-3212. SCEC Contribution 465
Deng, J., Gurnis, M., Kanamori, H., & Hauksson, E. (1998). Viscoelastic Flow in the Lower Crust after the 1992 Landers, California, Earthquake. Science, 282(5394), 1689-1692. doi: 10.1126/science.282.5394.1689. SCEC Contribution 446
Last updated Aug 20, 2015.