Structural geologist, investigating crustal deformation by integrating field observation, geophysics, & geomechanics. My current interests are in 1) strain localization during continental extension [Natural Labs.: East Africa, Eastern California, Eastern North American Margin], and 2) natural & induced seismicity [Natural Labs.: Central & Eastern U.S., Western & Southern Africa].
Kolawole, F. (2024, 09). Modulating Strain Release: Crustal Stretching and the Interplay of Evolving Fault Rheology and Strain Localization. Oral Presentation at 2024 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 13731
Kolawole, F., Atekwana, E. A., Laó‐Dávila, D. A., Abdelsalam, M., Chindandali, P. R., Salima, J., & Kalindekafe, L. (2018). Active Deformation of Malawi Rift's North Basin Hinge Zone Modulated by Reactivation of Preexisting Precambrian Shear Zone Fabric. Tectonics, 37(3), 683-704. doi: 10.1002/2017TC004628. SCEC Contribution 12664