Antoine B. Jacquey
Tufts University
Postdoctoral Scholar
Expertise: Geomechanics, Induced seismicity, Fault mechanics, Numerical modeling
About Me
Antoine Jacquey is a postdoctoral scholar at Tufts University in the group of Prof. Robert C. Viesca. His multidisciplinary approach combines fundamental theoretical and modeling techniques to describe the multiphysics coupling controlling the deformation of porous rocks in response to anthropogenic forcing conditions at various pressure and temperature conditions as relevant to develop strategies for mitigating induced seismic hazards. Antoine Jacquey received a Msc. in energy and process engineering from the Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne in France and a PhD in geosciences from the RWTH Aachen in collaboration with the GFZ Potsdam in Germany. He then had appointments as postocdoral associate at the GFZ Potsdam, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Ruben Juanes and now at Tufts University.