Bastience's picture

Sebastien D. Rossouw

Pasadena City College
SCEC UseIT Intern

Expertise: I have finished the physics based calculus sequence, mathematics up to and including linear algebra, am certified in SolidWorks, and proficient at the introductory level in AutoCad and MatLab.
About Me Publications
I’m a South African born engineering student who has lived on both coasts as well as the midwest. My interests lie in the civil engineering required to build and maintain the infrastructure of society. SCEC is an opportunity for me to see the road, bridge, and structure building of civil engineering through the lense of seismic activity relevant to the region in which I hope to work.
When I’m not studying I enjoy spending time outdoors, whether it’s here in the Angeles National Forest or on a road trip to any of the diverse regions of the US. Time spent outdoors is also the perfect time to listen to music or read a book, two things I could never do enough of!

SCEC Participation

SCEC Intern (2018)