2024 California Community Earth Models for Seismic Hazard Assessments Workshop Report

Brad Aagaard, Scott Marshall, Sarah Minson, Dan Boyd, Marine Denolle, Eric Fielding, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Christine Goulet, Russell Graymer, Jeanne Hardebeck, Alex Hatem, Evan Hirakawa, Tran Huynh, Lorraine Hwang, Karen Luttrell, Kathryn Materna, Laurent Montesi, Michael Oskin, Arthur Rodgers, Arben Pitarka, & Judtih Zachariasen

Published March 14, 2025, SCEC Contribution #14178

The California Community Earth Models for Seismic Hazard Assessments Workshop (this https URL, accessed December 16, 2024) was held online on March 4-5, 2024, with more than 200 participants over two days. In this report, we provide a summary of the key points from the presentations and discussions. We highlight three use cases that drive the development of community Earth models, present an inventory of existing community Earth models in California, summarize a few techniques for integrating and merging models, discuss potential connections with the Cascadia Region Earthquake Science Center (CRESCENT), and discuss what "community" means in community Earth models. Appendix B contains the workshop agenda and Appendix C contains a list of participants.

Aagaard, B., Marshall, S., Minson, S., Boyd, D., Denolle, M., Fielding, E., Gabriel, A., Goulet, C., Graymer, R., Hardebeck, J., Hatem, A., Hirakawa, E., Huynh, T., Hwang, L., Luttrell, K., Materna, K., Montesi, L., Oskin, M., Rodgers, A., Pitarka, A., & Zachariasen, J. (2025). 2024 California Community Earth Models for Seismic Hazard Assessments Workshop Report. , : . doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2503.11545.