Group B, Poster #248, San Andreas Fault System (SAFS)
Imaging Seismic Attenuation across the Northern Los Angeles Basins with Dense Arrays
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Poster Presentation
2022 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #248, SCEC Contribution #12078 VIEW PDF
ide P and S wave velocities for Southern California, anelastic attenuation is not included in these models. In the northern Los Angeles region, the Basin Amplification Seismic Investigation (BASIN) experiment deployed 10 dense nodal arrays that each recorded continuously for ~30 days providing a dataset of >1500 local earthquakes. A 3D shear wave velocity model based on ambient noise cross-correlation and a 3D model of the basin depths that integrates gravity data have been developed. The local earthquake data are being used to produce the first high-resolution attenuation model for the region. High-frequency (> 1 Hz) attenuation can be separated into its scattering and absorption contributions. The P- and S- phase picks from recorded earthquakes will be utilized to obtain peak delay times, which are a measure of forward scattering. The exponential decay of the coda wave envelopes quantified by the quality factor, Qc, can be used to invert for the absorption anomalies. Here we present results on the data selection and assess the data quality and coverage needed to image scattering attenuation and absorption at different frequencies.