SCEC Award Number 24162 View PDF
Proposal Category Community Workshop
Proposal Title Getting to the Surface of the Problem: A Dynamic Rupture Benchmark for Shallowly-Dipping Faults Near Earth’s Surface
Name Organization
Ruth Harris United States Geological Survey
SCEC Milestones C1,2,3-1 SCEC Groups FARM, GM, RC
Report Due Date 12/04/2024 Date Report Submitted 12/04/2024
Project Abstract
This was a very affordable (aside of SCEC staff's time) workshop. We tested our codes' abilities to simulate dynamic rupture on shallowly dipping faults at or near Earth's surface. We learned about new science discoveries and we also learned what other SCEC and beyond groups are doing related to earthquake science.
Intellectual Merit This is a rewarding group activity where we make sure that our dynamic rupture codes are working well, and we also learn exciting new science.
Broader Impacts This is a rewarding group activity where we make sure our dynamic rupture codes are working well, and we also learn exciting new science. We always include students and postdocs, involving them as speakers and also as participants in our science discussions.
Project Participants Our workshop involved more than 50 participants, half of whom were students and postdocs.
Exemplary Figure Figure 2
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