SCEC Award Number 20002 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Earthquake Models, Simulations, and Machine Learning: Forecasting, Nowcasting, and Tsunami Early Warning
Name Organization
John Rundle University of California, Davis
Other Participants Graduate Student Researcher - 1
SCEC Priorities 5a, 5b, 5c SCEC Groups CS, SDOT, Geodesy
Report Due Date 03/15/2021 Date Report Submitted 02/23/2021
Project Abstract
Intellectual Merit With the method proposed in the earthquake paper, we demonstrate that there is information contained in earthquake seismicity patterns.
Broader Impacts Methods of this type may possibly lead to better techniques for earthquake nowcasting and forecasting, i.e., anticipation of future earthquake activity in Calfornia and elsewhere.
Exemplary Figure Figure 1, Four eigenpatterns of southern California seismicity, in the paper on Imaging the earthquake cycle.
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