SCEC Award Number 19195 View PDF
Proposal Category Workshop Proposal
Proposal Title 2019 Community Rheology Model Workshop: Testing and Refining the Preliminary CRM
Name Organization
Elizabeth Hearn Independent Contractor Michael Oskin University of California, Davis Greg Hirth Brown University Whitney Behr Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Switzerland) Wayne Thatcher United States Geological Survey Laurent Montesi University of Maryland
Other Participants
SCEC Priorities 1c, 1e, 3b SCEC Groups CXM, SDOT, Geodesy
Report Due Date 06/04/2019 Date Report Submitted 06/05/2019
Project Abstract
The 2019 SCEC Community Rheology Model (CRM) workshop was held May 5, 2019 in Palm Springs, immediately before the annual leadership retreat. This focused, invitation-only workshop brought together deformation modelers who are likely to be users of the preliminary CRM; as well as representatives from the CXM and CRM focus groups,and SCEC IT. Morning presentations by the conveners described the preliminary (ductile) CRM. In the afternoon, two invited speakers described potential applications of the CRM to SCEC science. The meeting concluded with in-depth discussions of specific questions relating to design and implementation of the CRM (following up on a phone poll of modelers, conducted prior to the workshop).
Intellectual Merit The CRM and CTM contribute to several SCEC research objectives (for example, moving beyond elasticity as we improve deformation model-based estimates of fault slip rates and crustal stresses). The CTM and CRM are themselves key deliverables for SCEC5, and collaborative work on these consensus products is spurring scientific inquiry as assumptions are challenged, knowledge gaps are identified, and new questions arise.
Broader Impacts The SCEC community models (CXM's) provide the foundation for state-of-the-art science that is of clear societal significance (e.g. earthquake forecasts and rupture propagation - ground motion simulations). The CXM's are a freely available and accessible resource for scientists conducting research on southern California active tectonics and seismic hazard.
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