SCEC Award Number 18132 View PDF
Proposal Category Workshop Proposal
Proposal Title Community Stress Model (CSM) Workshop
Name Organization
Jeanne Hardebeck United States Geological Survey Thorsten Becker University of Texas at Austin Karen Luttrell Louisiana State University Patricia Persaud Louisiana State University Joann Stock California Institute of Technology
Other Participants workshop participants
SCEC Priorities 1c, 1d, 1e SCEC Groups CXM, SDOT, CME
Report Due Date 02/16/2019 Date Report Submitted 02/20/2019
Project Abstract
At this workshop, we planned a coordinated research approach to further the development of the SCEC Community Stress Model (CSM). The CSM has made considerable progress in compiling stress orientation models and stressing rate models for the upper crust in the past, and we discussed how to build on these efforts going forward. We focused on five research themes that are key for future progress: (1) physics-based models of stress in the lithosphere, (2) borehole stress indicators, (3) absolute stress, (4) stress heterogeneity, and (5) user needs, model validation, and uncertainty. Workshop participants discussed the current status of research on each theme, and identified what is needed to make progress with respect to the CSM. A small number of invited talks on each theme were followed by group discussions to identify needs and opportunities.
Intellectual Merit The CSM is part of the larger CXM community modeling effort in SCEC5. Stress is a fundamental quantity that is relevant to many aspects of the earthquake problem. The CSM provides the SCEC community with a suite of models and constraints on the stress and stressing rate in the southern California lithosphere.
Broader Impacts The CSM is part of the larger CXM community modeling effort in SCEC5. One of the major goals of the CXM project is to integrate the various community models into an internally-consistent package. To this end, we encouraged increased collaboration with other community models, in particular the Community Rheology Model (CRM) and the Community Geodetic Model (CGM). This workshop included active participants and presenters from every stage of academic research life, from grad students through emeritus professors, and we were particularly encouraged by the vigorous participation of early career researchers (grad students and postdocs).
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