SCEC Award Number 16079 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Earthquake Simulators: Statistical Methods, Fractal Faults and Forecasting
Name Organization
John Rundle University of California, Davis
Other Participants 1 graduate student
SCEC Priorities 4e, 2e, 3f SCEC Groups WGCEP, CS, CISM
Report Due Date 03/15/2017 Date Report Submitted 06/21/2017
Project Abstract
We addressed the problem of developing and disseminating improved simulator technology using the Virtual Quake software platform. In the previous cycle we focused on the development of RELM-type forecast testing methods. We have continued to post/port codes to public code repositories such as CIG and GIT, along with improved documentation, so that colleagues can more readily use and test the codes under development. Most recently we have built a Docker Image that allows individuals to download and run the code easily, due to the inclusion of all necessary libraries, compilers and interpreters in the package. We have also examined and characterized faults using their fractal properties, and we continue to make progress in this area.
Intellectual Merit Improvement of earthquake simulators
Broader Impacts More accurate earthquake forecast technology
Exemplary Figure Figure 2. Google Earth visualization for (Top) a planar reference fault, and (Bottom) a fractal fault with a trace having \Beta = 2.
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