SCEC Award Number 15006 View PDF
Proposal Category Workshop Proposal
Proposal Title Organizational Meetings for the SCEC Utilization of Ground-Motion Simulations (UGMS) Committee
Name Organization
Thomas Jordan University of Southern California C.B. Crouse URS Corporation
Other Participants UGMS Committee Members: Norm Abrahamson (PG&E/UCB), John Anderson (UNR), Bob Bachman (R.E. Bachman Consulting Structural Engineers), Jack Baker (Stanford), Jacobo Bielak (CMU), C.B. Crouse (URS, Chair), Art Frankel (USGS), Rob Graves (USGS), Ron Hamburger (SGH), Curt Haselton (CSUC), John Hooper (MKA), Marty Hudson (AMEC), Charlie Kircher (Kircher & Associates), Marshall Lew (AMEC), Nico Luco (USGS), Farzad Naeim (Farzad Naeim, Inc.), and Paul Somerville (URS)
SCEC Priorities 6e SCEC Groups EEII, GMSV, GMP
Report Due Date 12/30/2015 Date Report Submitted 12/29/2015
Project Abstract
The goal of the UGMS committee, since its inception in the spring of 2013, has been to develop long-period response spectral acceleration maps for the Los Angeles region for inclusion in NEHRP and ASCE 7 Seismic Provisions and in Los Angeles City Building Code. The maps are to be based on 3-D numerical ground-motion simulations, and ground motions computed using latest empirical ground-motion prediction equations from the PEER NGA project. The work of the UGMS committee is being coordinated with (1) the SCEC Ground Motion Simulation Validation Technical Activity Group (GMSV-TAG), (2) other SCEC projects, such as CyberShake and UCERF, and (3) the USGS national seismic hazard mapping project. Continued progress toward developing the maps was made in 2015, and this summary report highlights the accomplishments and future work
Intellectual Merit none submitted
Broader Impacts none submitted
Exemplary Figure none submitted
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