SCEC Award Number 12043 View PDF
Proposal Category Workshop Proposal
Proposal Title Workshop: Crustal Deformation Modeling
Name Organization
Brad Aagaard United States Geological Survey Thorsten Becker University of Southern California Andrew Freed Purdue University Eric Hetland Michigan State University Rowena Lohman Cornell University Mark Simons California Institute of Technology Charles Williams GNS Science (New Zealand)
Other Participants
SCEC Priorities 1b, 1e, 3e SCEC Groups SDOT, Geodesy, CS
Report Due Date 07/22/2012 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
The 2012 Crustal Deformation Modeling workshop was held June 18-22 on the campus of Colorado School of Mines in Golden, CO. The agenda, presentation materials, and list of participants are available at This meeting continued an ongoing series of workshops held over the past 10 years. The focus of these workshops is physically based models of the distribution of lithospheric stress in space and time via simulation of the strain accumulation, dynamic rupture propagation, and
postseismic relaxation over multiple earthquake cycles.
Intellectual Merit The 11 science talks covered a range of topics associated with modeling earthquake deformation. Topics included the role of geodetic modeling in UCERF3, application of Bayesian methods for inverting for coseismic slip, conceptual models for slow slip at the down dip extent of the
seismogenic zone, the rheology of the lower crust and constraints
from crust-mantle interactions on seismic behavior, critical taper analysis of the 2010 Maule earthquake with insights from earthquake cycle modeling, and multi-scale analysis of laboratory rock friction experiments
involving foreshocks and slow-slip leading to rupture nucleation. Each 45 min talk was followed by 15 min of discussion, and each day included 1-2 hours of time for informal discussion and collaboration.
Broader Impacts As in previous workshops in this series, nearly two-thirds of the participants were graduate students and postdocs. In this workshop 44% of the
participants were graduate students, 21% were postdocs, 18% were
faculty, and 18% were researchers. About 80% of the attendees
participated in both the tutorials on the first two days of the
workshop (Monday and Tuesday) and the science talks and discussions
over the following two and one-half days (Wednesday, Thursday, and
Exemplary Figure None
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