SCEC Award Number 10125 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Data Gathering and Products)
Proposal Title Evaluating Active 3D Fault Structure Through San Gorgonio Pass -- A Focused Natural Laboratory for Complex Fault Behavior
Name Organization
Craig Nicholson University of California, Santa Barbara
Other Participants Andreas Plesch, Egill Hauksson, John Shaw and Peter Shearer
SCEC Priorities A4, C, A1 SCEC Groups Seismology, USR, LAD
Report Due Date 02/28/2011 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Intellectual Merit The primary purpose and contribution of this project is to evaluate, upgrade and improve the SCEC Community Fault Model (CFM). Such efforts to improve CFM are fundamental to SCEC’s primary research priorities (as reflected in science objectives A4, C, and A1), if we are to successfully discriminate between on-fault and off-fault earthquakes (A7), help resolve discrepancies in fault slip rates (A2), resolve how geodetic strain is accommodated, and accurately characterize the seismic behavior, subsurface geometry and moment-release rate of major mapped faults (e.g., A3). The project provides new, creative 3D fault models and interpretations that may help explain previously enigmatic fault behavior and patterns of deformation that are otherwise difficult to understand.
Broader Impacts This project helped strengthen the collaboration and coordination between SCEC and other federal and State agencies, including the USGS and CGS, that are also developing fault activity database systems, and the resulting CFM data product is utilized across the entire SCEC community for research, modeling and educational purposes.
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