SCEC Award Number 09182
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Data Gathering and Products)
Proposal Title Refining Fragilities of Critical Precariously Balanced Rocks in the Vicinity of the San Andreas Fault
Name Organization
Matt Purvance University of Nevada, Reno James Brune University of Nevada, Reno Rasool Anooshehpoor University of Nevada, Reno Thomas Jordan University of Southern California Glenn Biasi University of Nevada, Reno
Other Participants
SCEC Priorities B4, B3, B1 SCEC Groups GMSV, GMP, Seismology
Report Due Date 02/28/2010 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Prior studies of Precariously Balanced Rocks (PBRs) have involved various methods of documenting rock shapes and fragilities. These have included non-destructive testing methods (NDT) such as photomodeling, and potentially destructive testing (PDT) such as forced tilt tests. PDT methods usually have the potential of damaging or disturbing the rock or its pedestal so that the PBR usefulness for future generations is compromised. To date we have force-tilt tested approximately 28 PBRs, and of these we believe 7 have been compromised. We have made a preliminary estimate the accuracy of three non-destructive methods of estimating PBR fragilities. We compared the results of these different methods with careful physical force tilt tests. The three NDT methods are: (1) 3-D photographic modeling (2) profile analysis assuming the rock is 2-D, and (3) expert judgments from photographs. We used 7 rocks for comparisons. The error in estimating tan alpha from 3-D modeling is about .05. For expert opinion estimates the error is about .06. For the 2D photogrammetric estimates the error is about 0.1. These results will be useful in statistical comparisons of PBR fragilities with seismic hazard maps of various types (USGS and Broad-Band Cybershake), as well as comparison with individual broad-band synthetic and natural seismograms.

3D NDT (Photomodeler) methods are much simpler than physical force testing. They do not require carrying heavy equipment into remote areas. They are less dangerous and less expensive than physical testing methods. Anytime a new important PBR is discovered it can be photomodeled immediately without a long return trip for heavy equipment. The results of Photomodeling are accurate enough for statistical analysis of large numbers of rocks

3D NDT methods are now sufficiently advanced to be in most cases adequate for the current state of the art comparison with Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs) and seismic hazard maps (SHMs). Other inherent uncertainties in the current methodologies are more significant than the marginal improvements of tilt-testing over photogrammetric methods. If at a later date it is felt that further tests are required we can return and improve the photomodeling, or do some physical testing. The refined testing will greatly improve our understanding of true seismic hazard.
Intellectual Merit The Precariously Balanced Rock (PBR) methodology is at the forefront of research in understanding seismic hazard. This is because the instrumental record of ground motion in earthquakes is very short (hundreds of years) whereas we need to know the probabilities of damaging ground motion at random return periods of thousands of years. The PBRs have been in place thousands of years and thus provide a needed constraint. This cutting-edge methodology has only been developed in the last couple of decades, primarily as a SCEC project, and is now being used to test and validate the latest tools in estimating earthquake hazard
Broader Impacts The PBR methodology will have a broad impact on society because it will affect design of buildings in seismic areas far into the future. Depending on results, the impact could involve billions of dollars in damage, and thousands of lives, both in developed and developing countries. In sum, it will greatly help in understanding earthquake hazard and the consequent social changes necessary for appropriate mitigation.
Exemplary Figure Precariously Balanced Rock Orientations and Fragilities Compared with Cybershake Waveforms: Implications for Seismic Hazard and Possible Super-Shear Ruptures. Introduction Earthquake recurrence forecasting, ERF, has steadily improved in recent years. Similarly the numerical power for calculating seismic ground motion, based on various types of modeling and assumed input parameters, have greatly improved (regression methodologies. tera and peta scale computing). The weak link in proceeding to final estimates of seismic hazard is the validation of the various inputs and modeling procedures. All of the current models have to assume values for source parameters, values which cannot be verified without more data (e.g., rupture rise time, slip weakening distance, rupture velocity, direction of rupture, background stress, frictional stress, dynamic stress history). There are simply not enough instrumental data from large earthquakes near-source, to validate or constrain the various programs and assumed source parameterizations. The study of precariously balanced rocks may be the only way to remedy the situation. Without extensive strong motion recordings of earthquakes for 100’s of years, required to validate seismic hazard estimates for low probabilities (e.g., return periods of thousands of years as needed in the design of sensitive structures) the PBRs are currently the only source of data for constraining ground motions over such long periods (thousands of years, Bell et al. 1998, Rood et al., 2008) and are thus of great importance to seismic hazard studies. Precarious rocks can potentially serve as back checks for all of the steps in seismic hazard estimation, In 2011 we studied critical rocks in the UNR archive of thousands of PBRs (see Archive Work below), strategically selected to be most useful in constraining the next generation of seismic hazard maps to be developed in the next few years. Analysis of discrepancies, in part presented in 2011 SCEC Annual Meeting abstracts and posters, suggests that the precarious rocks are important in testing some of the inputs and assumptions in producing the maps, e.g., the ergodic assumption, attenuation relationships, random background earthquake assumptions, directions of rupture propagation, relative hanging wall-foot wall ground motions, step-over ground motions, frequency of supersonic ruptures, and various other UCERF assumptions (e.g., fault activity, fault dips). Results were presented at the 2011 SCEC annual Meeting. For examples, the rocks at Silverwood Lake and Grass valley suggest the 1857 earthquake may have not ruptured from NW to SE as commonly assumed, the Cleghorn fault and Pinto Mountain faults may not be nearly as active as assumed in UCERF2, and the effect on PBRs of the dip of the San Andreas fault NE under San Bernardino, as recently suggested by Fuis et al. (Feb. 2012 Bull. SSA), may lead to important new understanding of the tectonics and seismic hazard in the San Bernardino area. CYBERSHAKE WAVEFORMS AND EARTHQUAKE HAZARD. Precariously Balanced Rocks (PBRs) typically provide the most sensitive constraints on estimated ground motions in a particular direction, and Cybershake low frequency waveforms yield ground motion time histories for any given direction. This allows for straightforward testing of the Cybershake waveforms for consistency with PBRs, provided an estimate is made of the high frequency waveforms associated with the Cybershake waveforms (broad-band Cybershake waveforms). Cataloged PBRs between the San Jacinto and Elsinore faults are predominantly sensitive to fault perpendicular ground motions over approximately 150 km (FIGURE 1). In fact, 75% of the PBRs are sensitive to motion within ± 30o of fault perpendicular (Brune et al., 2006). These rocks exist nearly equidistant between the two faults. The orientations strongly suggest that larger fault parallel motions (relative to fault perpendicular motions) have contributed to the observed distribution of sensitive rocking directions for PBRs. This is contrary to current thinking of predominantly fault perpendicular velocity pulses for sub-shear ruptures, and very rare predominantly fault parallel ground motions for super shear ruptures. . Numerous kinematic and dynamic models of ruptures confirm the expected ground motions for sub-shear and super-shear ruptures. The advent of Cybershake ground motion calculations offer the possibility of developing a better understanding of possible explanations for the distribution of PBR orientations in this region, and in other critical regions. PBRs, Cybershake1.0 , and USGS Hazard Maps In Purvance et al. (2008, Bull. SSA), the overturning fragilities of precariously balanced rocks (PBRs) were parameterized as a function of a vector of the ground motion intensity measures peak ground acceleration (PGA) and response spectra at 1 sec (Sa1, closely correlated with peak ground velocity, PGV). The resulting overturning probabilities (OPs) for many of the PBRs were very high, suggesting they were inconsistent with the 2002 USGS ground motions(including rocks between the Elsinore and San Jacinto faults, and rocks in the Mojave Desert near the San Andreas fault. A similar comparison with the 2008 hazard maps indicated that there was somewhat less but still considerable inconsistency (Brune et al., 2010, SCEC abstracts). Graves et al. (2010) indicate that the Cybershake1.0 Sa3 hazard map values and the 2008 USGS Sa3 hazard map values are about the same for rock sites, suggesting that the Cybershake Sa3 hazard maps are also inconsistent with the PBRs. Since the Cybershake results presumably take care of most of the path and site effects, this suggests that the earthquake source representation is the primary cause for the discrepancy between the PBRs and both the USGS and Cybershake hazard maps. Cybershake Ground Motion Orientations The Cybershake 1,0 earthquake Sa3 hazard curve for the Perris site, about halfway between the Elsinore and San Jacinto faults, illustrates the problem ( Fig 3). The SA3 values for the fault perpendicular ground motion are considerably higher than the values for fault parallel, as expected for the sub-sonic ruptures assumed in the Cybershake models. Also, the SA3 values at 10-6 annual probability are very large, and possibly unphysical. Understanding this situation may be crucial for both the Earthquake Recurrence Forecast and attenuation relationships Use of Cybershake waveforms will be critical for this. Critical to this process will be having accurate estimates of fragilities for critical rocks. Although approximate estimates of fragilities will be useful for preliminary studies, we eventually need digital Photomodel shapes of rocks for accurate comparisons. The following is a list of areas where rocks have been Photographed for Photomodeler: Santa Ynez Mountains-Santa Barbara, Wilson Canyon near Anza. CA, Jacumba area near southern Elsinore fault, Enchanted Canyon- Motte Rimrock Reserve near Perris, Lake Perris North-near the San Jacinto Fault, Pioneertown and Yucca Valley near the Pinto Mountain fault, Pacifico Mountain-San Gabrel Mountains, Grass Valley rocks-San Bernardino Mts., Lovejoy Buttes-Mojave Desert, Beaumont South near San Jacinto fault, Lake Isabella-Southern Sierras, Round Top rock near Vail Lake-Peninsular Ranges. Of the rocks involved, approximately 20 have already been modeled to produce digital 3-D shape models. Of these, about 10 are in the present Cybershake broad band coverage area, and are being investigated by Jessica Donavan, Tom Jordan at USC, and James Brune at UNR. Preliminary result are very encouraging, and indicate that future studies will greatly improve our understanding of earthquake hazard. CONCLUSION We continued testing of precarious rocks in areas important for constraining earthquake hazard. We used our improved methods of surveying to maximize the efficiency in terms of time and money. We improved and updated our archive for Southern California PBRs, including approximate fragilities for many important PBRs (see next page). We are in the process of comparing the PBR data with Cybershake waveforms and hazard maps. Initial results indicate a major step forward will result from further research in SCEC4. FIGURE 1. a) DEM of So Cal with PBRs and primary toppling directions. b) Rosette overlain with the percentage of PBR toppling directions within 10o bins. The proportion of PBRs in each bin are included when > 10%. 75% of the PBRs topple within ± 30o of the fault perpendicular direction. (Fig. 2) (Fig. 3) FIGURE 2. Rosette of the orientations of all digitized short axes in images from 4 PBR sites between the San Jacinto and Elsinore faults. The numerical values are the percentage of the total number of short axes within the corresponding 10o bin. The probability of randomly selecting 75% or more rocks with short axes within ± 30o of fault perpendicular is vanishingly small ( -7e-10) %. Figure 3. Cybershake hazard curve for location PERRIS half-way between the Elsinore and San Jacinto faults Couldn't figure out how to get the first figure here
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