SCEC Project Details
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SCEC Award Number
08169 |
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Proposal Category
Collaborative Proposal (Integration and Theory) |
Proposal Title
Long- and short-term California forecasts |
Other Participants |
Natanya Black
Annie Chu
Qi Wang
Max Werner |
SCEC Priorities |
A6, A4, A9 |
SCEC Groups
Report Due Date
02/28/2009 |
Date Report Submitted
N/A |
Intellectual Merit
N/A |
Broader Impacts
Development of the chronology of the Saugus Fm., which is pervasively folded and faulted throughout the western Transverse Ranges, will greatly increase our understanding of the timing and rates of deformation in Keller and Burbank p.2 the CFB, and benefit many consulting companies and other tectonic studies working in this part of southern California. Rates are essential for proper evaluation of earthquake hazard and modeling by seismologist. With the proposed dating we will be able to estimate the long-term, Mid-Pleistocene to Holocene deformational history of the last unstudied fold belt in southern California thereby creating a temporal framework from which to link other better studied fold belts to the north and south, and illuminate how strain is distributed across this part of the plate boundary in space and time. |