Project Abstract
The upper several meters to several tens of meters in the geologic section have majorinfluence on amplification or deamplification of seismically generated ground motions and theinitiation of ground deformation or ground failure. Evaluation of ground response and grounddeformation in these upper layers, and the interaction with foundations and structures, is acritically important aspect of safe and economical engineering design. One of the primary goalsof SCEC is to generate analytical and empirical models for accurate prediction of groundresponse and ground deformation due to earthquakes. A required element for the development ofthese models is well-instrumented field sites where actual ground response and deformation canbe monitored during earthquake shaking to provide benchmark case histories for modeldevelopment and verification. Records from a number of sites with a variety of soil types andgeometric configurations are needed to provide a range of site conditions commensurate withthose commonly encountered in engineering design. The SCEC borehole instrumentationprogram will continue ongoing efforts to increase the number of these benchmark sites in theSouthern California region and to make the data available in real-time through the SCEC datacenter. We will continue to use the data to develop the numerical techniques for nonlinear siteresponse analysis, dynamic modeling of soil behavior at large strain, and analysis of source andpath properties. We will also contribute to the short-term goals of the implementation interfacegroup by pursuing other avenues of funding, including a joint proposal with our engineeringcolleagues through the NSF engineering NEES program. |