Poster #055, Earthquake Engineering Implementation Interface (EEII)
Tectonic and Geotechnical Review for Engineering Design and Seismic Risk Management in Bangladesh
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Poster Presentation
2021 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #055, SCEC Contribution #11558 VIEW PDF
ng design parameters based on available geological, gravity, magnetic data and reflection seismic profiles along with detailed fieldwork. For a rational seismic risk assessment it is necessary to identify and map of seismogenic zones (including the distals), their dimensions, historical events (here Max Mag 7.2), the type of source area and geotechnical ground response criteria. The ranges Peak Ground Acceleration and Amplification Factors are correlated for geological units.
Three types of earthquake source areas are identified: a. Intra-plate source areas, b. Transitional source area and c. Inter-plate source area. The seismic behavior of these source areas is deeply related to the tectonic pattern and crustal configuration of the basin. The Basin is divided into five major geotechnical provinces: 1. Continental slope along Hinge Zone, 2. Stable shelf, 3. Deep central trough (Sylhet-Hatiya), 4. Chittagong-Tripura fold belt to the east and 5. Dauki Fault Zone.
The local ground condition and geomorphological attributes are responsible for seismic spectral response patterns from actual point, area and volume of seismic sources; and are mapped in accordance to the geological structural, geotechnical index classification of deposits, strength and settlement characteristics to aid assessment of prompted response spectrum and appropriate safety factors. These parameters will intelligently aid the enhancement of Building Codes of the region.
Three types of earthquake source areas are identified: a. Intra-plate source areas, b. Transitional source area and c. Inter-plate source area. The seismic behavior of these source areas is deeply related to the tectonic pattern and crustal configuration of the basin. The Basin is divided into five major geotechnical provinces: 1. Continental slope along Hinge Zone, 2. Stable shelf, 3. Deep central trough (Sylhet-Hatiya), 4. Chittagong-Tripura fold belt to the east and 5. Dauki Fault Zone.
The local ground condition and geomorphological attributes are responsible for seismic spectral response patterns from actual point, area and volume of seismic sources; and are mapped in accordance to the geological structural, geotechnical index classification of deposits, strength and settlement characteristics to aid assessment of prompted response spectrum and appropriate safety factors. These parameters will intelligently aid the enhancement of Building Codes of the region.