Gary Axen

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Professor of Geology

Expertise: Structural Geology and Tectonics, especially of brittle rocks. Emphasis on extensional tectonism and evolution and mechanics of slip on low-angle normal faults (misoriented faults). Expertise on evolution of the Gulf of California and Gulf Extensional Province; extensional and thrust tectonics in the Great Basin; tectonic evolution of Iran.
About Me Publications
2005-present: Associate Professor and Professor of Geology, New Mexico Tech
1995-2005: Assistant and Associate Professor of Geology, UCLA
1992-1995: Investigador Titular, CICESE, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
1991-1992: Postdoc & Instructor, Harvard University; Visiting Instructor, MIT
1987-1991: PhD student, Harvard University; PhD 1991
1982-1987: Instructor, Northern Arizona University
1981-1982: Visiting Instructor, Idaho State University
1980-1981: Consulting Geologist, HydroGeoChem, Inc., Tucson, AZ, Instructor UNLV
1975-1980: student, MIT; BS and MS 1980