ETREE: A Database-Oriented Method for Generating Large Octree Meshes

Tiankai Tu, David O'Hallaron, & Julio Lopez

Published September 2002, SCEC Contribution #893

This paper presents the design, implementation and evaluation of the etree, a database-oriented method for large out-of-core octree mesh generation. Our main idea is to map an octree to a database structure and perform all octree operations by querying the database. We use two database techniques - the linear quadtree and the B-tree to index and store the octants on disk. We introduce two two new techniques - auto navigation and local balancing to address the special need of mesh generation. Preliminary evaluation suggests that the etree method is an eective way of generating very large octree meshes (4:3 GB with 13:6 million elements) on a memory-limited machine (128 MB).

Tu, T., O'Hallaron, D., & Lopez, J. (2002, 9). ETREE: A Database-Oriented Method for Generating Large Octree Meshes. Poster Presentation at 11th International Meshing Roundtable.