Where We Have Been, Where We Are Going… And How We Can Work Together
Marissa AhoPublished August 23, 2018, SCEC Contribution #8848, 2018 SCEC Annual Meeting Talk on Wed 09:00
More than 10 years after the 2008 ShakeOut scenario, the Mayor’s Office of Resilience is still working with many of the original authors and other partners to advance the region’s seismic resilience. ShakeOut and other related efforts have had a major impact on seismic policy in the City of Los Angeles, including the formation of the Mayor’s Seismic Safety Task Force, the advancement of DWP’s water resilience program, the partnership with U.S. Geological Survey that enabled Dr. Lucy Jones to serve as Mayor Garcetti’s Science Advisor, and the release of the Mayor’s Resilience by Design report in December 2014. Resilience by Design focused on strengthening LA’s most vulnerable buildings, fortifying LA’s water system, and enhancing reliable telecommunications. Now approaching its 4-year anniversary, I will discuss the status of many of the recommendations in Resilience by Design that have been implemented.
Resilience by Design is undoubtedly the cornerstone of Los Angeles’ resilience-building. As inaugural members of 100 Resilient Cities pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation, the City of Los Angeles worked with hundreds of partners during 2016-2017 to develop Resilient Los Angeles. Resilient Los Angeles was released by Mayor Garcetti in March of 2018 as a strategy that addresses Disaster Preparedness and Recovery, Climate Adaptation, Infrastructure Modernization, Economic Security and Leadership and Engagement. A number of the 96 Actions in Resilient Los Angeles advance the City’s seismic resilient efforts. I will highlight some of them and talk about how we can work together to continue to advance seismic resilience together.
Aho, M. (2018, 08). Where We Have Been, Where We Are Going… And How We Can Work Together. Oral Presentation at 2018 SCEC Annual Meeting.
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