Interference between two Adjacent Footings located in Seismic Region

R. K. Yadav, Saran Swami, & Prof Daya SHANKER

Published 2017, SCEC Contribution #7973

In this paper the interference and interaction of footings among themselves is studied. This included: factors affecting bearing capacity, settlement and tilt of shallow foundations in static as well as dynamic conditions and evaluation of ultimate bearing capacity, settlement and tilt by non-linear constitutive law. Further interference between two parallel shallow footings based on spacing between them is studied and variation of bearing capacity ratio with height of the applied load to width ratio of footing is plotted

Yadav, R., Swami, S., & SHANKER, P. (2017). Interference between two Adjacent Footings located in Seismic Region. Geosciences, 7(4)(2017), 129-140. doi: 10.5923/j.geo.20170704.03.