A performance-based approach for design of ground densification to mitigate liquefaction
Hadi Shahir, Ali Pak, & Peyman AyoubiPublished November 2016, SCEC Contribution #7895
In performance-based geotechnical earthquake engineering, the required degree and spatial extent of ground densification for mitigation of liquefaction beneath a structure should be determined based on the acceptable levels of performance of foundation. Currently, there is no solution for evaluation of the amount of settlement and tilt of footings constructed on a densified ground which is surrounded by a liquefiable soil. This implies the need for numerical procedures for simulation of seismic behavior of shallow foundations supported on both liquefiable and densified subsoil. In this paper, the dynamic response of shallow foundations on a densified ground is studied using a 3D fully coupled dynamic analysis. For verification of the numerical model, simulation of a series of centrifuge experiments has been carried out and the results were compared with the experimental measurements. After verification of the numerical model, a comprehensive parametric study has been performed to develop a methodology for estimating the effectiveness of subsoil densification in reducing liquefaction-induced settlement of shallow foundations. Range of problem variables were considered in a way that the possibility of bearing capacity failure is low enough. The proposed methodology can be utilized for development of a performance-based design procedure for liquefaction hazard mitigation by soil densification.
Shahir, H., Pak, A., & Ayoubi, P. (2016). A performance-based approach for design of ground densification to mitigate liquefaction. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 90, 381-394. doi: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2016.09.014. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0267726116302676