Demonstration of the efficacy of the BBP ground motions for nonlinear structural analysis and collapse assessment

Kuanshi Zhong, Wen-Yi Yan, Ting Lin, & Gregory Deierlein

Published August 15, 2017, SCEC Contribution #7832, 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting Poster #242 (PDF)

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This work presents an update on the comparative study between recorded (NGA-West) and simulated ground motions (SCEC Broadband Platform, BBP) to evaluate the feasibility of using the latter as a seismic input in engineering applications (i.e., nonlinear response history analysis and collapse fragility assessment). Two archetype buildings (20-story reinforced concrete frame and 40-story reinforced concrete wall) at three sites (San Francisco, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles Downtown) are analyzed through Multiple Stripe Analyses (MSA) with the two ground motion databases. 100 ground motions are selected at each of the three intensity levels (10% in 50 years Design-Based Earthquake, 2% in 50 years Maximum Considered Earthquake, and 2% in 200 years) and scaled to site-specific target intensity measures (IMs) involving conditional spectra and conditional significant durations. Statistical significance tests are applied to examine resulting structural-response demands under the two suites of motions. Collapse fragility curves are also compared, and observed differences are traced back to differences in ground motion characteristics. In addition to providing insights into efficacy of simulated motions for engineering practice, this study also highlights several issues to be considered facing the evolution in our database and knowledge of ground motion simulations.

Zhong, K., Yan, W., Lin, T., & Deierlein, G. (2017, 08). Demonstration of the efficacy of the BBP ground motions for nonlinear structural analysis and collapse assessment. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting.

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