SeisFinder: A web application for extraction of data from computationally-intensive earthquake resilience calculations

Brendon A. Bradley, Sharmila Savarimuthu, Daniel Lagrava, Jonney Huang, Jason Motha, Viktor Polak, & Sung Bae

Published August 14, 2017, SCEC Contribution #7561, 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting Poster #253

SeisFinder is an open-source web service developed by QuakeCoRE and the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. It aims to promote further research and collaboration by sharing the computationally-intensive resilience calculations produced by QuakeCoRE researchers. SeisFinder allows users to select amongst a number of past or future earthquake events and serves ground motion simulation data for requested specific locations. This data can be used as input for other resilience calculations, like dynamic response history analysis. SeisFinder also provides sample codes and detailed instructions on how to manipulate and process the data. In this poster, we present the current features and usage of SeisFinder, as well as future ideas.

Key Words
Ground motion simulation

Bradley, B. A., Savarimuthu, S., Lagrava, D., Huang, J., Motha, J., Polak, V., & Bae, S. (2017, 08). SeisFinder: A web application for extraction of data from computationally-intensive earthquake resilience calculations. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting.

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