Scripps Orbit in Permanent Array: Report to 1993 Bern Workshop

Yehuda Bock, Peng Fang, Harold M. Stark, Gutuan Zheng, & Joachim F. Genrich

Published 1993, SCEC Contribution #75

The Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center (SOPAC) began producing, in August 1991, daily precise GPS satellite ephemerides and polar motion in support of the Permanent GPS Geodetic Array (PGGA) in southern California. Scripps had already served as an independent archive of GPS tracking data for the scientific community since 1990. In June 1992 we joined the International GPS and Geodynamics Service (IGS) as one of three Global Data Centers and one of several Analysis Centers. In August 1992, we became the Orbit Facility for the University NAVSTAR Consortium (UNAVCO) with the task of providing precise GPS satellite ephemerides for worldwide ctwstal deformation projects, funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation. We have supplied our products on a regular basis to other groups such as the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) and the North American Rapid Earth Orientation Service (NEOS), and to individual scientific investigators. Our products are especially valuable to users of the GAMIT/GLOBK suite of GPS software since dispatate regional campaigns can be rigorously linked to the International Terrestrial Reference Frame through the full variance-covariance matrices output from our routine PGGA/IGS solutions. We disseminate our data and products to the scientific community by means of anonymous ftp over INTERnet. We also disseminate orbital and other positioning information to non-scientific users (primarily in California), for example, through the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Outreach Program. We have installed a PC-based bulletin board service (BBS) to disseminate these products to general subscribers. We desclibe in this paper the components of an “integrated positioning system” that we have developed over the last four years.

Bock, Y., Fang, P., Stark, H. M., Zheng, G., & Genrich, J. F. (1993). Scripps Orbit in Permanent Array: Report to 1993 Bern Workshop. Presentation at 1993 IGS Workshop.