A data-driven V_s,30 model for New Zealand engineering research & practice

Kevin Foster, Brendon A. Bradley, Liam Wotherspoon, & Christopher R. McGann

Published July 26, 2017, SCEC Contribution #7346, 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting Poster #272

We present a regional V_s,30 (time-averaged 30-meter depth shear wave velocity) map developed for New Zealand, closely following the methods employed in California by Thompson et al. (2014). V_s,30 is among the most widely used parameters for site characterization in routine earthquake engineering problems. The map is developed using regional correlations of V_s,30 with geologic units and topographic slope, then refined with available V_s,30 field measurements using geostatistical methods. The map provides Vs,30 and uncertainty estimates for all regions. The benefits of this modeling methodology include (i) using geostatistics to honor Vs,30 measurements at measurement locations; (ii) applying reasonable inferences based on geologic and topographic data for areas where direct Vs,30 measurements are unavailable; (iii) quantifying uncertainty across regions with both rich and sparse field data density; (iv) establishing a framework for routine map updates when additional field data is collected.

Key Words
site effects, geotechnical site response, mapping, geostatistics, geology, topographic effects

Foster, K., Bradley, B. A., Wotherspoon, L., & McGann, C. R. (2017, 07). A data-driven V_s,30 model for New Zealand engineering research & practice. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting.

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