Slip Partitoning By Elastoplastic Propagation of Oblique Slip at Depth

David Bowman, & Geoffrey C. King

Published May 16, 2003, SCEC Contribution #718

Oblique motion along tectonic boundaries is commonly partitioned into slip on faults with different senses of motion. The origin of slip partitioning is important to structural geology, tectonophysics, and earthquake mechanics. Partitioning can be explained by the upward elastoplastic propagation of oblique slip from a fault or shear zone at depth. The strain field ahead of the propagating fault separates into zones of predominantly normal, reverse, and strike-slip faulting. The model successfully predicts the distribution of fault types along parts of the San Andreas and Haiyuan faults.

Bowman, D., & King, G. C. (2003). Slip Partitoning By Elastoplastic Propagation of Oblique Slip at Depth. Science, 300(5622), 1121-1123. doi: 10.1126/science.1082180.