Integrated Static and Dynamic Stress Modeling for Investigating Tremor Source Regions in the San Andreas Fault

Sandra Hardy, Hector Gonzalez-Huizar, & Bridget R. Smith-Konter

Published 2016, SCEC Contribution #7150

The frictional and stress conditions at aseismic depths in tectonic boundaries are difficult
to estimate, these are important parameters in computing stress transfer from plate motion
to the seismogenetic zones of the plate boundaries, and thus, in creating seismic hazard
models. Ambient and triggered tectonic tremor can be useful in the estimation of friction
and stress parameters at large crustal depths. Seismic waves can trigger tremor in different
tectonic environments. Ambient and triggered tremor along the San Andreas Fault in California
is well located and documents. A large number of ambient and triggered tremors
have been reported near the creeping to locking transition zone along the Parkfield-Cholame
section as well as in the San Jacinto and Calaveras Faults. We use recorded seismic
signal from large earthquakes (M≥7.5) to calculate the dynamic stresses capable to trigger
tremor in these regions; this is integrated with local tectonic stress models with the objective
to estimate the spatial variability of frictional and stress parameters along the areas
where tremor are triggered. Integrating static and dynamic stress for San Andreas Fault will
allow us to better understand the stress and frictional conditions necessary for tremor occurrence.

Hardy, S., Gonzalez-Huizar, H., & Smith-Konter, B. R. (2016). Integrated Static and Dynamic Stress Modeling for Investigating Tremor Source Regions in the San Andreas Fault. Poster Presentation at Integrated Static and Dynamic Stress Modeling for Investigating Tremor Source Regions in the San Andreas Fault.