AWP-ODC Open Source Project

Dawei Mu, Alexander N. Breuer, Josh Tobin, Hui Zhou, & Yifeng Cui

Published August 22, 2016, SCEC Contribution #6663, 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting Poster #336

AWP-ODC is widely used community software that simulates large-scale 3D seismic wave propagation in a viscoelastic medium. We have recently undertaken an open source release of AWP-ODC-OS for the first time. This open source effort is dedicated to developing high-quality software for regional petascale earthquake simulations that is freely available to the community. We have licensed the AWP-ODC-OS software under BSD-2 and will provide continuous updates to users. Extensive documentation has been prepared to describe how to install this software, as well as how to prepare the source and mesh files as input to execute this AWP-ODC-OS code.

AWP-ODC-OS is a parallel code implemented in C and CUDA which obtains high portability, high performance and high scalability. The GPU implementation provides frequency-dependent visco-elasticity, free surface boundary conditions and absorbing boundary conditions, as well as support for multi-node simulations through the MPI protocol.

We will also present updated version of SEISM-IO, a modular I/O library tailored to AWP-ODC-OS. This library simplifies the programming of parallel I/O for code developers by hiding more complicated aspects from the user. By adding a unified software layer between application and file system, SEISM-IO is capable of calling other high-performance, widely used I/O libraries like HDF5, PNetCDF and ADIOS for lower level I/O operations. SEISM-IO is a highly robust library, which has been tested with realistic cases that require I/O with 24,000 CPU cores.

Key Words
AWP-ODC, Open Source, SEISM-IO, I/O library

Mu, D., Breuer, A. N., Tobin, J., Zhou, H., & Cui, Y. (2016, 08). AWP-ODC Open Source Project. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting.

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