Strong Motion Seismology

John G. Anderson

Published 2003, SCEC Contribution #640

Strong-motion seismology is concerned with the measurement, interpretation and estimation of strong shaking generated by potentially damaging earthquakes. Measurements of strong shaking generated by large earthquakes provide a principal tool. First, these data are essential to understand the high-frequency nature of crustal seismogenic failure processes, the nature of seismic radiation from the source, and the nature of crustal wave-propagation phenomena near the source, all of which have a first order effect on the seismic loads applied to the physical environment. Second, these measurements are a principal tool used to develop empirical descriptions of the character of strong shaking. Principal goals of strong motion seismology are to improve the scientific understanding of the physical processes that control strong shaking and to develop reliable estimates of seismic hazards for the reduction of loss of life and property during future earthquakes through improved earthquake resistant design and retrofit.

Anderson, J. G. (2003). Strong Motion Seismology. London, : Academic Press.